Monday, March 22, 2010

Adam Jian review on the house of tthe scorpion

Adam Jian 26
English R
Mrs. Poulsen
House of the Scorpion. The
The House of the Scorpion, written by Nancy Farmer, is a science fictional novel based on the idea of cloning. The story is set on the border between Mexico and the U.S. in a country called Opium. The protagonist, Matteo (Matt) Alacran, is a clone who has a tattoo on his foot stating that he is the property of a rich and powerful drug lord. Matt has to learn what his purpose is in life.
One of the main conflicts in this story for Matt is to find his purpose in life. Because he is a clone, people treat him like an animal. Matt is both hated and feared of because of his identity. Matt later found out that he was created to provide spare body parts for the original. “’The skin was what you might call a photograph. All the information was there to grow a real copy--skin, hair, bones, and brain--of a real man. You're exactly like El Patron when he was seven years old.’ Matt looked down at his toes. That's all he was: a photograph.” Although he looks exactly the same as the drug lord, he possesses his own ideas and belief.
Maria is also a child in the house of the Alacran, and the only one that is willing to believe in Matt. “‘I love you, too,’ Maria replied. ‘I know that's a sin, and I'll probably go to hell for it.’ ‘If I have a soul, I'll go with you,’ promised Matt.” Matt cares for Maria and shows how he is willing to do anything for her. Matt, although not exactly a human, still has emotions.
"'When you’re small, you can choose which way to grow. If you’re kind and decent, you grow into a kind and decent man". Matt could have chosen to follow the drug lord’s path and be rich and powerful, but instead he insisted on becoming a better man than the original Matteo. “When he was young, he made a choice, like a tree does when it decides to grow one way or the other. He grew large and green until he shadowed over the whole forest, but most of his branches are twisted." Instead of an overpowering tree, Matt decides to be one that protects others.
The House of the Scorpion is always full of suspense and has many interesting ideas in the pages. People who like to read Sci-fi has to read this book. From lying to friendship and humanity issues, this novel is packed with whatever the audience asks for.


  1. Kevin Lin

    "...*new paragaph* Maria is also a child in the house of the Alacran, and the only one that is willing to believe in Matt. “‘I love you, too,’ Maria replied. ‘I know that's a sin, and I'll probably go to hell for it.’ ‘If I have a soul, I'll go with you,’ promised Matt.”" This part was a little random especially because it is the start of a new paragraph. Maybe put start another new paragraph before "I love you, too" and merge the other one?

    "Alacran". What is/who is Alacran?

    "Science fictional novel". Science fiction novel?

    I really like the use of quotes in your book review! They flow very good and they are very funny to read. They are also very interesting!

    Overall, I think this book review is very good, especially on the use of quotes. It flows very good and is very funny. It can also be very intecllectual too. "'When you’re small, you can choose which way to grow. If you’re kind and decent, you grow into a kind and decent man". In general, I think this book review is very good.

  2. Alice:
    "The protagonist, Matteo (Matt) Alacran, is a clone who has a tattoo on his foot stating that he is the property of a rich and powerful drug lord. Matt has to learn what his purpose is in life." I think you should somehow relate these two sentences together, or else it sounds a bit awkward.

    "Matt has to learn what his purpose is in life.
    One of the main conflicts in this story for Matt is to find his purpose in life. " too repetitive, get rid of one or rephrase it more differently.

    "All the information was there to grow a real copy--skin, hair, bones, and brain--of a real man. " I don't think you need the two dash marks near the end.

    The quotes in your book review are very funny. And I like the way you ended your review.

    Overall, I'm not a big fan of science-fiction novels but the way you put it sounds like a good book to read. :D
