Sunday, April 11, 2010

Part 3: Opinions on The American Dream (Group)

Copy and paste quotes that are opinions people have said about the American Dream (though they don't have to actually say "the American Dream" in the quote if they're talking about the same ideas).

Once everyone has finished, comment on each other's opinions, comparing and contrasting the ideas presented.


  1. Alice and Jenny:

    “The American dream is, in part, responsible for a great deal of crime and violence because people feel that the country owes them not only a living but a good living.”

  2. Allen
    Don't accuse your government, family members, friends, or anyone else that may have had a negative impact on you of disabling you to support yourself and your family. Doing so is completely uneducated and foolish. Learning of the great power that comes from within is a necessity to succeed at anything or in any subject. The American dream is possible for anyone to obtain as long as your mind is set on it. The American dream does not have to be only a dream-- it can be a reality!

  3. "I am convinced that despite our current economic crisis, it is still very possible to start off with nothing, yet still obtain the American dream; that is a life of success, happiness, and the sustainability to support one's self and family, comfortably or affluently. The American dream of success comes from nothing other than determination, self-motivation, and it must start with you."

    Vivi and Hannah

  4. Helen and Kimi:

  5. Richard/ Haley
    I think that freedom is one of the most important dreams. The cost of freedom does not come easily.

  6. "Too many times I hear the constant grumbling and complaining of friends, fellow college students or just other American citizens. Especially in times like our country is currently facing, it is very easy to have something negative and worrisome to converse or gossip with others about. Some people claim that we live in a country that makes it impossible to make anything successful out of life. Some complain about being mistreated by a boss or a teacher. Others complain that college tuition is too expensive."

    The American Dream is a "Dream", because it is not always achievable. Reality doesn't reach everyone's expectation; it usually overcame the mere hope of the citizen.

    David, Yerry, Kevin


  8. To Vivi and Hannah
    I think this is a really positive thought about the American Dream. It shows that American Dream is still the hope for people who feels hopeless.

    From Kimi :)

  9. To Kimi and Helen,
    Your picture is very interesting, shows that the person doesn't believe in the american dream. Different from yours, our opinion is more toward a positive side.

  10. To Richard and Haley
    I think the quote reflects to the feeling of Americans. They want freedom and from the beginning to the end, Americans want freedom and they always protect their own freedom.

    From Kimi :)

  11. Vivi and Hannah:

    Your quote is the very opposite of what we found and it's interesting because some say it's a motivation to work harder and achieve success, but others say it's responsible for a great deal of crime and violence because people feel that the country owes them not only a living but a good living

    Jenny XD

  12. To Vivi and Hannah,
    I think it's very true that everyone can be successful, and shows a positive side of the american dream. Our opinion is similar in a way that they're both about living a happy life.

  13. By Vivi

    Allen and Adam- I love the quote! As long as people work very hard, one day they can all reach it:) It is not a dream anymore,like ur quote said, "It can be a reality!"

    Alice and Jenny- Eif this quote is not happy as the previous one, but I think it is very reasonable. If no good living is achieved, no American Dream too. :)

  14. Haley and Richard

    It's interesting that your quote focuses on the importance of freedom because many mentioned wealth and success~

    Jenny XP

  15. To Yerry:

    Your quote is interesting as it shows a very biased view of the American Dream.

    To Vivi:

    I like your quote as it shows a current view on the American Dream.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. To Haley and Richard:

    Your quote is very true--many Americans have fought for freedom and justice inside their country, but it was never easy to achieve. This quote definitely is a big part of the American Dream as we can see from American history. our quote says that the American Dream is leading a good life.

  18. To David, Yerry, and Kevin:

    I loved the last part, saying that the American Dream is not achievable because it is only a "dream". This was a very creative quote!

  19. To Helen and Kimi,
    The picture seems to tell a lot from just those few words. "The American Dream is Over" This phrase makes it sound like the dream is no longer reachable and that its only a thought or an idea- which is not to be accomplished. I may not completely agree with it but it definitely tells us something.

  20. To Alice and Jenny:
    I kind of agree and disaggree at the same time on the quote. I guess, partly, american dream might have ruined many people's life but others might not though. But it was a good quote :)

  21. To Jenny and Alice.
    I think your quote is true. Since the United States put the idea that everyone should have a rich, happy life, it makes people citizens think that the government owes them it.
    Helen Su
